Sunday, July 14, 2024

Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump & Mental Health


News broke July 13 that an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was thwarted by law enforcement. The incident raised several questions about  the potential consequences of extreme polarization and the role of mental illness in the assassination attempt. 

The attempted assassination took place on July 13 at a political rally in Pennsylvania. According to law enforcement officials, one attendee was killed, two people were seriously injured, President Trump was shot in the ear, and the gunman was shot and killed. 

While the suspect's motives remain under investigation, the incident has sparked a nationwide conversation about the role of mental health in acts of violence and in our society. 

The attempted assassination of former President Trump is a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of mental health issues. It serves a reminder that is our responsibility to work towards a more open and respectful political environment, promoting civil discourse and understanding mental illness in the face of our differences. We also must stop mainstreaming people with mental disorders and stop telling the mentally ill that their delusions are right and normal. 

We live in an age when the mentally ill are encouraged to scream and cry on TikTok for likes and affirmation: where men are told they can dress as women, pretend to have periods and insist on being called women; and where confused children are being encouraged to try to live as the opposite sex. We have normalized things that until recently were known mental disorders, including violence. Just look at the riots that burned cities that were labeled “mostly peaceful” by the media. We honor criminals with a history of drug abuse and violence with statues and murals. 

Where do we draw the line?

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