Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ASK KATHRYN: What Works on Chigger Bites?

Recently while out hiking I got eaten up by chiggers. My right leg had about 16 bites from the tiny but annoying insects between my calf and my ankle just on the inside with a few more bites up to the knee and on the other side.

I was complaining about it on Facebook and took a photo of my ugly leg when it dawned on me I should try SOOTHE for sensitive skin on it. After all, SOOTHE got rid of my rosacea.

Within 5 minutes of applying SOOTHE the itching was substantially reduced, and the red spots and swelling began to disappear in about an hour. After that, I had no more itching and the bites continued to reduce in swelling and the redness was gone by the next day.

If you are a victim of lawn pests like chiggers, ticks, fleas, gnats and other stinging/biting pests, you can basically choose to stay indoors, wear a pesticide, treat your yard, or treat your skin.

 Ask me about SOOTHE for sensitive skin, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and even chigger bites!

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